Due to poor leadership and corruption at the helm of affairs of the military heriachy as evidenced by the Dasukigate scandal, which also implicated top politicians , the war against terror was almost lost.
The insurgents were daily gaining an upper hand due to poor intelligence and sabotage, as it appeared that the rank and file of the Nigerian Military had been infiltrated by the same enemies we were fighting. In the end 19 local governments in the North East were captured, which on a map was about the size of Belgium.
Every General that understood the intricacies of war, and the strength of the national forces, knew that something was fundamentally wrong. Even though they could not say exactly what it was.
The essence of this analogy was to draw our attention to Christendom in Nigeria.
God’s word says put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil…
It also states in Eph 4:11 “Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers.
NOTE Vs 12 (NLT)
Their responsibility is to EQUIP (NOT USE) God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.
One of the primary duties of the governmental offices was the equipping of the saints, therefore just as the military top brass were to equip their men for warfare, these gifts to the body of Christ were to equip the saints with the proper ammunition to make war with the enemy. What happened to the national forces is bound to happen to the church in Nigeria if there is a failure in the church leadership to properly equip the Nigerian Christian.Rather than equip, many are caught in the web of using Gods children for their whims and caprices.Well that’s what happens when the laity refuse to know God for themselves.They would be exploited, and nobody is to blame.Jesus said, Be careful what you hear-Therefore , we must take personal responsibility for our soul and spiritual state.
The question is, Have the saints been properly equipped to fight this war?
How do we explain the multitudes that gather in our services and the rise of evil and crime in our communities…Something is wrong!
The shouts of Hallelujah’s and Amen’ s does not reflect on the national crime statistics.
When a Inferior army begin to have an upper hand in combat, then it’s time to check the ammunition we are fighting with.
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal”.
It’s a spiritual warfare that cannot be won by carnal means or anything that apeals to the senses, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. To drive this point home let’s examine a few church programme themes available on the internet-
i) Lord where is my Money?
ii) I will not leave Lagos empty handed
iii) Tied down in the village but needed in the city
iv) This beautiful sister Must Marry…
For space sake I will stop here..you can Google to see more.
These ones are just the obvious and unsophisticated that babes can discern. The more subtle ones will not be addressed today but suffice it to say that many of us are fighting spiritual warfare with inferior ammunition and this has grave implications. Many have been given wooden swords via unscriptural teachings and programmes to fight a sophisticated enemy and the results are obvious.
It is only by the revealation of God’s word we are guaranteed of prevailing against the gates of hell.. Anything short of this, is an inferior ammunition.
Eph 6:18 says “Put on the WHOLE ARMOUR of God”.. Not your own armour, or your denominational armour, or your G.O’s armour. Anything asides God’s armour is tantamount to fighting naked. In these times of extra Biblical revealations; Holy water, Holy oil, Mantles or any other physical appellation that substitute simple faith in the finished work of Christ , is a prospering of inferior ammunition.
In the Mt 16 discourse when Jesus engaged his disciples on the revealation of who he was, Peter hit the nail on the head and Jesus rightly said; “Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my father which is in HEAVEN”.Peters response was not mental accent, nether was it guess work.It was a divine revealation of TRUTH.Now listen as Jesus further elaborates on the power of DIVINE REVEALATION , he says “THE GATES IF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT”. This Ammunition is what was used by those who made it to the hall fame of faith in Hebrews 11.It was what made David see a dog when the rest of Israels army were seeing a giant, no wonder he used a stone.To be a kingdom commando like the men of David and Gideon, you must be girded with this ammunition.The church’s efficiency and efficay has been greatly diminished due to inferior ammunition supplied by false teachers and prophets.
The Bible says BUY THE TRUTH and sell it not..Why? because it can not be bought with money..
There are so many inferior ammunition in the spiritual market place..Be weary of those who ask you to PAY..Listen to those who preach sound doctrine and the gospel Paul preached. They will not ask you to pay, but will ask you to repent of your sins and establish you in righteousness. Stand up for Jesus, ye Soldiers of the cross and be girded with the right ammunition.
Your Comrade in battle
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