The study of the word, Prayer and Practice of the word are the tools we have for spiritual growth.
Amongst the spiritual disciplines, prayer is one of the most challenging to engage in, especially when coupled with fasting, therefore we are enjoined to pray and not faint.
This is because prayer is work and the flesh resists it with all its venom. Therefore prayer has to be born out of commitment and not feeling, because you will hardly feel like it. It is the life line of the spirit and the ladder that connects heaven and earth. To rely on our strength to pray is to fail woefully, we must depend on the spirit to pray the mind of God through us and divine assistance to subdue our flesh. Prayer is work and not fun, no wonder many run away from it.
Jesus often retired to pray most times in a solitary place for extended periods of time, he further went on to teach his disciples how to pray. In the garden of Gethsemane, he prayed until sweat mixed with blood covered his body, while his disciples slept because the flesh was weak. His challenge to them was for one hour of prayer, which they could not measure up to. In Jesus words, we are to pray in order not to fall into temptation. Also we are admonished that by prayer and supplication our requests are to be made known to God. Besides these prayers is to be made for all men, for kings and those in authority, the church and even those that spread the good news. Lest I forget we are also to pray for our enemies and those who despisefully use us. Our enemies are not to fall down and die, they are to live, to see us enjoy the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living as he prepares a table before us.
Prayer must be dynamic as led by the spirit else it could becomes a tortuous routine with no life. It must be word based and fueled by the word of God else it will be reduced to chanting and enchantment.
Requirements for Prayer;
In any study of the principles, and procedure of prayer, of its activities and enterprises the first thing required is FAITH.
If doubt be banished from the heart and unbelief made a stranger there, what we ask of God shall surely come to pass. (Mrk 11:23).
The command is to pray without ceasing and that we must do.
Satan has effectively disarmed us when he can keep us too busy doing things to stop and pray.
Church work or any other work should not make us cut short our praying time.
It is better to let the work go by default than to let the praying go by neglect, for whatever affects the intensity of our praying affects the value of our work.
What Prayer is not? With contributions from my study group;
1.Prayer is not a tool for us to get God to do our bidding – No! Prayer is our opportunity to participate in what God is doing.
2.God is selective about what He hears. Anything that does not fall into the WILL of GOD, does not ascend to God’s hearing.
3. Prayer is not a means to force God to rubber stamp our will that is against His will. God is only committed to answer those prayers that promote His agenda on the surface of the earth…All our prayer must fall along the line of His will to be done on the earth as it is in Heaven.
4. Prayer is not the KEY to the door of our WANTING!- It is the Master key that opens all doors to the Master’ s WILL AND BIDDINGS!
Paradigms about prayers that need to change;
1.It’s actually very sad that issues that we have invested uncountable hours of night vigils, prayer sessions, prayer retreats, prayer walks and warfare on are mostly personal issues of which we have Heavens assurance that ” YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN KNOWS YOU HAVE NEED OF THESE THINGS”
His other and priorities we have ignored and have put the carts before the horse in place of prayers.
2. Our STRONGEST prayer tool – our EARS… not our MOUTH.
3. Never be driven to pray by fear or worry
4. Praying through simply means praying in alignment with His will…thats the assurance that you will be heard. His will—discipleship! Only true disciples with a passion and a burden to see God’s kingdom being established and His will done on earth remain steadfast with God praying through.
5. Prayer is a two way communication with God. Prayer is how we align with and surrender to God’s will
6. Beware of Ignorant prayer warriors who compound the problems and pray you back to unbelief.
You will finish the year strong!
Noel Abdullahi
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