*Latin word frustrat-“disappointed” and verb frustrate, from frustra “in vain”.
Frustration is a feeling.
The word does not exist in the Bible except against the Devil.
The antidote to frustration is Faith and faith is not a feeling. It is an assurance that God can do what He said He will do irrespective of our thoughts and feelings.
Note that frustrations will not stop, therefore your faith should not stop.
The goal of frustration is to get you to stop. DON’T STOP! CONTINUE IN WELL DOING!
Pray and faint not, the goal of frustration is to get you to faint when you are almost praying through.
Review 1Kings 18:42-44. What if Elijah stopped praying at the fifth or sixth time since it seems nothing was happening? There never would have been rain but he persisted one more time and the rain burst forth. Don’t let the devil frustrate you out of your harvest.
Growth never happens without frustration. Frustration is another way of looking at the trial of your faith.
The more frustration you can harvest, resolve and overcome, the more growth you will experience.
The man in Rom. 7:13-24 is a biblical example of a frustrated man.
What was the reason for his frustration? He was applying the wrong formula (Heb. 8:6-12).
You shall know the truth and it shall make you free. Ignorance of the schemes and devices of Satan is the reason many Christians are frustrated.
Accurate knowledge of God’s word is one sure way of overcoming frustration.
*The law was spiritual i.e it has the characteristics of the spirit and is consistent with the character of God.
*The Law revealed sin.
It shows to us that we are helplessly under the control of sin and points us to Christ, the only One who can help us.
Rom 8:8-12 (Solution to his frustration)
Falling of the righteous 7 times
(7 times in New Testament = 70 X 7 times in the New Testament)
Rev 12:10b shows Satan accusing us before the Father day and night without being frustrated.
The question is why are we believers frustrated in believing God and standing on His promises?
Apart from Faith, another key to overcoming frustration is to understand the love of God and love Him genuinely.
When we know the height and breadth of His love, in Eph 3:14-19, then nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God in Rom 8:31-35.
What can separate us from the love of Christ?
Remain in the Father’s love!
We are not of them that draw back unto perdition. But believe to the saving of the soul.
The ultimate goal of frustration is to make you a son of perdition- Is that what you want?
The last but not the least key is to Hope.
(Hope: the feeling that something desired is possible)
A frustrated man has lost all hope. You can not frustrate any man that has hope.
Father Abraham our patriarch after 25 years of waiting on God for a child (that must have been frustrating) hoped against hope.
Satan is relentless, so why should you give up? Review the following scriptures (Prov 24:16, Heb 10:38-39, Gal 6:9) and fight back!
You will OVERCOME.
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