
Disconnect to Reconnect

May we not miss the forest for the trees-Set aside times to disconnect in order to reconnect.
When last did you watch the sun rise in the morning?
You may need to disconnect to Reconnect –
Here is a shot of today’s sunrise from my rooftop.
You will rise and shine like the sun as we march into March and when the sea rages at you, you will stand IN JESUS NAME…

Dont Let Your Education Disempower You

Many people, including students have shallow understanding of education.To the average student, the reason for sending him or her to school may be to enable him read and write and earn a living in the future:while some parents feel that it is necessary to send their children to school to enable them secure good jobs so that they can earn enough money to cater for them during their old age.
However, the main purpose of educating a child is to develop the child’s personality, so as to acquire knowledge to cope with any situation the child finds he or herself.

Hearing Right

I have observed that my kids love to clean their ears, and its usually one of the things that keep them still. It’s usually a pleasurable feeling that most people I know enjoy and some have even built bad habits around it.

How To Access Gods Rich Deposit Within You And Enjoy Life

Always be responsible for someone, helping them grow, spending your resources on them and nurturing them especially in the way of Christ. There is always someone looking up to you at your level, create time for them.
Your future is not in the hands of the current powers that be, it’s in the hands of the emerging powers…Be wise in your relationships.People are usually loyal to those who believed in them when they were “nobodies”. Invest in people!

How to Handle Frustrations

The goal of frustration is to get you to stop. DONT STOP-CONTNUE IN WELL DOING!

Pray and faint not, the goal of frustration is to get you to faint, when you are almost praying through.

Review 1Kgs 18:42-44-What if Elijah stopped prayin@ th 5th or 6th time since it seems nothing was happening. There never would have been rain but he persisted 1 more time and the rain burst fort. Don’t let the devil frustrate you out of your harvest.


*Your degree is a means to an end, you only use about 20% of that knowledge. Gain skill by volunteering even if you don’t have a job.Someone will be willing to pay for that skill someday.

*After been Technically good at what you do, learn the business.This is basically the management of resources (Human resources & Financial Resources).


This story captures in simple terms one of the ways we learn in entrepreneurship. In the formal schools we attended, mistake equates failure but in the school of entrepreneurship mistakes equal learning.
To start, don’t look for capital, don’t look for a shop, start by developing an entrepreneurial mindset through learning, unlearning and relearning .

Praying Through For The Rest Of the Year- Welcome to the “MBER” Months

This is because prayer is work and the flesh resists it with all its venom. Therefore prayer has to be born out of commitment and not feeling, because you will hardly feel like it. It is the life line of the spirit and the ladder that connects heaven and earth. To rely on our strength to pray is to fail woefully, we must depend on the spirit to pray the mind of God through us and divine assistance to subdue our flesh. Prayer is work and not fun, no wonder many run away from it.

Purpose Driven life reflections-WHAT IS DRIVING YOUR LIFE?

Many people are driven by the need for approval. They allow the expectations of parents or spouses or children or teachers or friends to control their lives. Many adults are still trying to earn the approval of unpleasable parents. Others are driven by peer pressure, always worried by what others might think. Unfortunately, those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it.
I don’t know all the keys to success, but one key to failure is to try to please everyone. Being controlled by the opinions of others is a guaranteed way to miss God’s purposes for your life.”No one can serve two masters.”


The only difference between the wise and the foolish virgins was the extra oil that the wise virgins took along with them.As Christians we are all spiritual virgins SEPARATED from this world,but we are not all wise.Some Christians choose to be foolish by not going beyond the common salvation to the uncommon salvation brought about by intimacy with God.The borderline Christian is likely to fall off the cliff, only by intimacy can we stay ALERT and not miss his second coming.

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